Our free of charge calculation service
Need support or planning security for your project? We will be pleased to support you. Our technical team will advise you individually and provide you with the following standard-compliant calculations - based on your data - free of charge:
Emergency Overflow
Snow Guard System
Fastening System
Solar Panel Fastening
You will find all data input sheets here.
Please fill out the relevant form to your project and send it to technik@bst-gmbh.de.
Do you have any questions or need support?
Calculation tool for determining the drainage capacity:
Round Emergency Overflow Drains / Parapet Drains
Rectangular Emergency Overflow /Parapet Drains
Pressure height in round and rectangular emergency overflow / parapet drain:
The water pressure height [mm] is essential for the drainage capacity. The higher the pressure height, the greater the drainage capacity. To determine the pressure height, the maximum allowed water level on the roof must be known.